Posted by Correy Miller/CEO of Debonair Beard Co on 2nd May 2023

Beat The Odds | Victory Is Upon You

I'm not sure how I want to go into this message today but I do know it was put on my heart to send it out to you at this very moment. I don't know what you are going through but something in me just says you need to receive this message today. While I was doing my morning walk, I just had this thought running through my head. I was trying to formulate the message but couldn't clearly see what God was telling me to tell you. With that, I'm just gonna jump right in it.

You've sacrificed a lot to get where you are, you're not selfish, you finally chose you for once and people may assume you're acting different. Uh uh, you just want different. You finally got to a place where you ready to live different, show your children a different way, carve out a new beginning for your family long after you're gone. If that's you at this very moment, let me tell you you are not alone and can definitely make it happen. I'm on that journey with you right now. Set those goals and go get them. Do what you can do, control the controllables.

People have walked out your life that you thought would be there forever, I know it hurts but that pain can be turned into a springboard into your best life. Its not a loss at all, its a lesson. You loss that job that you thought was your security blanket. I know its hard, I know you're wondering how you gonna pay those bills. Lean on God. God brought you through before and he'll bring you through again. God will always make a way. How you think you were able to bend and not break before, you trusted God and he came through.

You're the true definition of survival and you not losing anymore. You not losing anymore, either you winning or you learning. Losing is behind you. You on your way to the top and not everyone will be able to come with you. Look at your surroundings right now, take a good look because a year or so from now they wont look the same. Your location, the people you associate with, the opportunities that will be presented to you, ITS ALL GONNA CHANGE. Its your winning season. BELIEVE IT, EMBRACE IT, and CHASE IT. You deserve it all.

God's working on your behalf. He's working on mine as well. He may not come when YOU want him but he's always on time. If he's making you wait make sure you're prepared for what you been asking for. Prepare to have your MIND BLOWN. Greatness is on the way for us all. I believe it and I'm preparing myself to receive it. Make sure you are doing the same. This is your season, this is your time. For all the days you've been stressing, all the days you've cried, all the days you've worried, its alL about to come to an end. GOD ABOUT TO BLOW YOUR MIND. Get some rest. You've been sleeping but you haven't been resting. Your time is on the way.

I hope this message inspires you to get up and get to work. I hope it makes you push through and prepare for what's on the way. I hope my positivity affects you in a way that touches your soul. You deserve it all and so do I. I know better now and I won't allow anything to stop what GOD has for me. Thank you for supporting DEBONAIR BEARD CO. I really really appreciate you. Whether you've bought products, referred my company, or just sent prayers and positive vibes, I thank you.
